Friday, January 29, 2010

It's Friday!

Well Pop was supposed to get to come home yesterday or today. However when Fred went down last night he had fluid build up on his lungs again and his white blood count was elevated. So they put him under today and they were going to go in and suction the fluid off of his lung. Hopefully this will help with the white blood cell count problem as well. Fred and I are heading down in a few minutes to see how he is doing. Will keep everyone updated once we know more. Please keep praying for a healthy and full recovery. He has now been in the hospital for 3 weeks and he is definatly ready to come home!

On a lighter note, tmrw is Heston Michael Henrichsmeyer's Diaper/Gas Card Shower at our house. We hope that everyone comes out and has lots of fun all while helping out Mike and Shawna Sue. They are such amazing parents to little Hagan and I know that they will be even more awesome parents to both of them when Heston makes his arrival!

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