Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Terrific Tuesday

Well I headed down to see Pop after work last night and I have some wonderful news!!!
The Dr's told him yesterday that he will be able to come home in a few days. Looking at Wednesday or Thursday. He is up and moving around more every single day, he had walked 3 different times before I got there at 5:45 last night and that is not including the 2 times they came to get him for some tests. The swelling in his hand is getting much better, he can actually move his fingers and you can see the lines and wrinkles in his hands again. This is a good thing, because the swelling was so bad prior to that you could not see any of that. He finishes his Argatroban (spelling is correct, I checked the bag last night!) today and they will start him on his Cumidin. He was in a very good mood and is looking forward to coming home :) As we all are also!!!!! I will continue to update as more information becomes available and will definatly let everyone now when he comes home!

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