Friday, January 22, 2010

News about Pop

I went do to visit with him yesterday evening when I got off work. He looks really good and is feeling good as well. His blood sugar is high but they think that is do to the medications he is on. They are monitoring it and giving him insulin as needed. His white blood cell count was back down in the normal range which is a BIG step in the right direction. He has some blockage in his neck where the central line was from the surgery. This is causing his right arm and his legs to swell. They started him on blood thinners last night and are having a hematologist (sp?) come see him about that today. He was in good humor and rather chatty which I was glad of. I will be going back down to visit with him again tmrw. He will be really excited when I get there as I am going to take the kiddos with me and that seems to really make his day. More news will be posted as it becomes available and we continue to hope and pray that he can return home soon :)

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