Friday, February 5, 2010

He is Home!!!

Pop got home late yesterday evening, he is settled in and so VERY, VERY, GLAD to be back home!!!! He got the chest tube out yesterday, and all of the Dr's said he was clear to come home. I went down and saw him after the board meeting and he was back in his comfy rocking chair! He is on oxygen along with some additional meds. He only has to have the oxygen for activity and while sleeping so that's a good thing. He said he was a little nervous about being at home, but that is to be expected after spending 4 weeks in the hospital. The home health nurse will be by bout 9:30 this morning to draw his blood to test his levels before he can have anymore cumodin. Someone will be staying with him at night for awhile until he feels more comfortable. If anyone would like to visit, I am sure he would enjoy it maybe just give him to the middle of next week before you stop by. Again, I just want to Thank everyone for all the prayers, thoughts, and kind words during this journey. He as well as all of us, feel blessed to have such loving an caring family and friends.

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