Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!!!

Here are some holiday photos for all of you to enjoy! 2010 has been a year of lots of ups and a few downs for the Earnest Family. As I look back over the past 12 months, I choose to reflect on the good things that happened during the year. Pop had surgery in January and the tumor was successfully removed and he didn't need chemo or radiation! Chad took a different position at work and now gets home earlier in the day. Our friends Mike and Shawna Sue brought a new baby into this world! (He is now very healthy and moving and crawling all over the place :) ) Colton started Kindergarten and loves every minute of it and is very well adjusted to attending all day everyday. Callye started Preschool and has made new friends and is learning all sorts of stuff. I gained a new Queen and friend to spend time with over the next year. We celebrated being in our new home for a year. My very BEST FRIEND in the WHOLE world moved closer to me! (Welcome to the neighborhood Wild Kingdom!!!!!!) and so much more.............but for now I will leave with a great BIG MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!

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