Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Baby It's Cold Outside!

I will admit I am not a fan of coooooooooolllllllllld weather!!!! However, I do live in Illinois and that means I must endure whatever mother nature throws my way. After being "trapped" in the house for 2 1/2 days with the kiddos last week after the freezing rain, snow, ice etc made it's drop upon Bond County. I HAD to get OUT of the house.......... I didn't go far, but during "quite" time I ventured out into the yard with my camera and took a few snapshots so that someday I can tell my grandchildren and show them photos of the "blizzardy, icey" conditions of 2011. I will say this, the ice makes for some very beautiful nature photos. I also included a photo of our mailbox, you can see at the bottom where the snow was beggining to pile up around it after the snow plow had been down our road several times!!!! But, ours looks like nothing compared to the mailbox at the Speck residence in good ol' Minnesota!!! I am no even sure if they can get their mail on a regular basis................... ;)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Colton turns 6!

Here is a picture of my now 6 year old guy!!! He wanted a pillow pet for his birthday, Mommy suprised him with it this morning before he woke up and she set it on his bed! More pictures and celbration info coming soon on this adorably handsome 6 year old!!!
This is a picture of my 5 year old guy getting rest so that he will grow and be taller when he wakes up and is 6!!!