Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Colton and Callye having fun sledding at Nanny and Pappy's house this past weekend!!! More photos of sledding will be posted soon in another blog post. Stay tuned...........

Friday, January 7, 2011

Christmas #1, #2, #4, and #5

As promised here is an array of photos from all of our other Christmas Gatherings. The top picture is our standard every year picture with my brothers and I! We have done this for as long as I can remember!!!!!

A very exciting week for Colton

Well this has been a BIG week for Colton. He brought home his first ever AR (accelerated reader) book. The book was called SPLAT! He brought it home on Tuesday when they returned to school after the break. On Wednesday he lost his first tooth. Not quite how we had planned as he was climbing up the slide and an older boy was coming down and kicked him and knocked his tooth out. None the less, he still lost his first tooth and we put it under his pillow for the Tooth Fairy to leave him some money. Mommy wanted to keep the tooth so that she can put it in his scrapbook or get a special box to put it in. In order to do this without revealing the (parents) are the true toothfairies. We left the toothfairy a nice note asking that he leave the tooth. Colton recieved $5 from the toothfairy. Daddy toothfairy thought this was a little much, but Mommy toothfairy believes it was proper especially since it was his first tooth and that it didn't come out in a normal fasion.......... On Thursday Colton took his first AR test and scored 100%. He also brought home another book that we read and he took back to school today (Friday) to take a test on. Please enjoy the pictures of my toothless wonder...............